The new Nokia N8 and E7, with its USB on the Go feature, can charge devices via USB. Just plug any USB charging capable device on the Nokia N8 via the shipped USB on the Go cable attachment for the Nokia N8 and E7. Instead of having to buy a separate battery pack where you can plug in USB devices to charge it from, why not try charging via USB on the Go.
The latest cellphones from Nokia such as the the C-Series phones and Symbian 3 devices can charge via USB using their USB cables. To charge, just set any device into mass storage mode in the enhancements settings and plug it in the USB on the Go cable attached to the Nokia N8 or E7. The downside is that the battery of your Nokia N8 or E7 will also drain so use it whenever you really need to.
Other USB devices can also charge via way of USB such as portable Mp3 Players. You can also sync music on the go while charging via USB because most modern Mp3 players such as your IPOD charges via USB.
So for that needed charge on the go, charge via USB on the Go for the Nokia N8 and E7 models. You can never run out of juice ever again.